Make a Simple Program Using html Notepad

Membuat Program Html Sederhana menggunakan Notepad.

The default Windows Notepad uses a lot, are to create the file. Html. Html file is a page file that can be displayed in a web browser such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Google Chrome web browser and other applications. To be able to create a html file with notepad, we need to know html language program. If we also know the language program, such as web javascript, php and asp so we can develop with the language pemprograman it. Here I give examples of the use of html language:

Html script to display any posts SELAMAT DATANG in the middle of a web page the browser:

Write a script over on the notepad, then save the extensi. Htm or. Html. as below:

Eg the file name we give it the name "tes" and we write in the name of the file = "tes.htm" and save as type = "All Files" as follows:
Make sure to use encoding "ANSI".

If the file has been created and we become a. Htm then we open the application using a web browser, or with a double-click the file "tes.htm" will appear as follows:

Description language is html above is as follows:

We hope this bit of knowledge can be useful for you, and you can develop your own. If you have entered please leave your comment on the comment form. Happy trying!

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